
We are featuring "Bye" on the Today's Feature page - one of the many thought provoking paintings of Darlene Graeser, from Unconscious On Canvas!

What is Sexy?

Here's a thought....three different beautiful paintings, which one do you think is the "sexiest"?  Vote in the comments below....



Eternal "Call-Waiting"

Eternal "Call-Waiting"



Let's Dance

Darlene is not only a psychologist and artist, but also a dancer - check out some of the dance-related paintings she has created.....

The Colors of Darlene's World

For the next week or so, the Today's Feature section of will be highlighting a different color each day.  Today is Blue.  If you have a favorite color in Darlene's paintings, let us know in the comment section and we will feature all the paintings that contain that color!

Have a colorful and fun time exploring the many colors of Darlene's world....